Julian Bruere
Julian is a watercolorist who draws on a variety of themes, with a focus on landscapes, alpine snow gums, maritime themes and portraiture. He is a popular watercolor teacher and does many workshops and demonstrations. His painting exhibits his interest in drawing and design as well as his interest in pushing the watercolor medium beyond transparency in pursuit of textural and resonant responses. He began his art career in advertising as an illustrator, then worked in book publishing and now teaches watercolor at The Victorian Artists Society in Melbourne. In 2016 he exhibited as a guest artist in Dalian, China and this year was the Australian Representative Watercolor Artist at Fabriano Watercolor Festival in Italy. He has been awarded Victorian Artists Society Artist of the Year, 2010, 2013 and 2018, The Kenneth Jack Memorial Award 2010 and 2014, ANL Maritime Award for Traditional Marine Painting in 2010 and 2016. He is a member of the Australian Watercolor Institute.
朱利安是一位創作主題多元的水彩畫家,自然景觀、高山雪膠樹、海景主題和肖像畫為其常見主題。他是一位受歡迎的水彩老師,並常參與研討會與繪畫演示.其畫作呈現他對設計與超越水彩透明特性之興趣,以追求質地與迴響的反應。朱利安的藝術生涯始於廣吿繪圖,後進入出版業,現於墨爾本維多利亞藝術家協會敎授水彩。2016年他以客座藝術家身分於中國大連市展出,並於今年義大利法比亞諾水彩嘉年華,擔任澳洲水彩藝術家代表。他先後於 2010 年、2013 年及 2018 年榮獲維多利亞藝術家協會之「年度藝術家」獎項,且於 2010 年及 2014 年贏得肯尼斯.傑克紀念獎,更於2010 年及 2016 年 ANL 海事獎傳統海景畫獎項.朱利安現為澳洲水彩畫會會員。
Snow Gums, Victoria 維多利亞州雪膠樹
Watercolor 水彩|50 x 72 cm|2019
Snow Gums from the alpine regions of Victoria bear testimony to the hardship of the winter and snow or summer droughts and fires. These slow growing tough trees become dynamically formed and aged.
Sea Cave, Tasmania 塔斯馬尼亞州海蝕洞
Watercolor 水彩|72 x 52 cm|2019
This Sea Arch on the Tasman Peninsula is a dramatically carved out formation allowing for a textural exploration of the rocky surfaces, note the use of scoring and breadcrumbs which appear in a lot of my paintings
Wallander’s Dad 維蘭德之父
Watercolor 水彩|50 x 72 cm|2018
Wallander’s Dad refers to a Swedish TV Series where the father of the main character is an artist who paints trees, not unlike me. It was painted in one session as a demonstration and kept a sense of freshness.