Gang Zhou |周剛
Professor of China Academy of Art
Director of the Research Center for Watercolor Studies, China Academy of Art
Deputy Director of the Watercolor Art Committee, China Artist Association
Jury member to various national watercolor & pastels events
Over a dozen publications, including Art Education Department of China – Watercolor Painting & Gouache , Watercolor Classics – 600 years of Watercolor Worldwide , and Watercolor Classics – Oriental Watercolor.
Personal Albums
Over a dozen albums, including Contemporary Artist of China: Gang Zhou , Chinese Artist: Gang Zhou , Brilliant Contemporary Painter of China: Gang Zhou, Steps of A Loner: Gang Zhou , Profound in Simplicity: Watercolor Works of Gang Zhou , Works of Contemporary Watercolor Master of China: Zhou Gang , etc.
《中國藝術敎育大系. 水彩畫 水粉畫》、《水彩經典―世界水彩 600年》、《水彩經典―東方水彩》等 10 餘部。
《中國當代美術家・周剛》、《中國美術家・周剛》、《中國當代實力派畫家・周剛》、《獨行者的腳步・周剛》、《道內象外・周剛水彩作品集》、《中國當代水彩名家・周剛作品》等 10 餘本。
手拿飯碗的郭老漢 Old Guo with a Bowl in Hands
Watercolor 水彩|105 x 75cm|2018
This is a portrait of a person from Northern Shaanxi I painted in the Northwest Shaanxi region. They are simple, tough people that build their dream lives on the land their ancestors have labored on. I portray the images of these workers truthfully based on the concepts of local realism in paintings.
西北農家老漢 Old Farmers in the Northwest China
Watercolor 水彩|105 x 75 cm|2018
This is a portrait of a person from Northern Shaanxi that I painted in the Northwest Shaanxi region. I sincerely portray the images of these workers based on the concepts of local realism in paintings.