LAI Young Lin 賴永霖 (Taiwan)
154th AWS Hardie Gramatky Memorial Award
“Rainfall” Solo Exhibition
First Prize, 13th Taoyuan Contemporary Art Award
4th Bright Star Award
35th Guanghua Cup Golden Lion Award
第154屆美國水彩畫協會國際年展Hardie Gramatky紀念獎
Dull Days Series
The “dull days” refers to the prolonged bodily experience. This prolonging is not about “a long day” and “long days.” It is more about capturing the “sluggishness” ushered by the brief detachment from the IoT world. These sluggish moments are not as comfy as the life back in the childhood yet to be digitalized. Now that we are aware of another telecommunicating world in progress in the clouds, and we are situated in a fallen-behind position thrown away by high-speed interfaces, the need for relentless chasing has brought us tension and stiffness, body and mind. Then, without the knowledge of when it has begun, and tired of these endless operational updates, we are instead exceptionally interested in the things that have left behind. Frankly speaking, “Dull Days” is to talk about the liberating and alone after detachment as well as the climax experience born from the settlement in the prolonged deposition.
「長日」指的是漫長的身體感受,這個漫長並不是「漫長的一天」(a long day)與「漫長的日子」(long days)之間的討論,更多是在捕捉短暫抽離物聯網世界後所帶來的「遲緩感」,這些緩慢的片段並不像回到小時候尚未經數位化前的生活般那麼舒適,因為已然知道有另一個電傳世界正在雲端進行中,而我正處於一個被高速界面甩開的落後位置,不斷追趕的需求帶來了身心的緊張與僵硬,於是不知從何時開始,疲乏於這些永無止境的作業化更新,反而對那些被拋開的落伍事物格外有興致,真要說,「長日」談論的是關於離隊後的解脫與單獨(alone),以及安身於漫長的放置中所萌生的高峰體驗。
Forest 1 林 1
2023 | Watercolor on Paper 水彩、紙 |62 × 105 cm
Smoke 1 煙 1
2023 | Watercolor on Paper 水彩、紙|62 × 105 cm
Snow 雪
2023 | Watercolor on Paper 水彩、紙|45 × 77 cm
Sea 海
2021 | Watercolor on Paper 水彩、紙|114 × 152 cm
The “Black Painting” series was inspired by my personal round-the-island traveling experience alone. On the endlessly long road at night, I felt like departing the world, and in the meantime gained more time to explore myself. After digesting all the emotions within, I had an unprecedented sense of fulfillment to my surprise. I consider such mental transition a fickle climax experience somehow. And the “Black Painting” series is my endeavor to capture the products from these transitions through painting.