CHANG Hsu-kuang | 張旭光
MFA from University of Salamanca, Spain
Ph.D. Candidate in Conservation and Restoration at the University of Seville, Spain
Director, Department of Applied Arts, Fu Hsing Kang College, National Defense University
The first Curator of The Fine Arts Museum of National Defense
Artistic Creation Award from the “Chinese Literary Award” of Chinese Writers’ & Artists’ Association
Great Pineapples Plan – Running-Cursive Script
2021 | Watercolor, Pastel 水彩、粉彩 |105 x 30 cm*2 pieces
The Running-Cursive Script series of “Great Pineapples Plan” employs the king of tropical fruits from Pingtung – pineapples – as the motif. The imagery of the semi-cursive script in the Chinese calligraphy is fused. Different from the works of meticulous portrayal previously, the series stresses on communicating and amplifying realism amidst the freehand tension, laying out compositions of decorative aesthetics, demonstrating the essence of objects and the atypical beauty, and expounding the divine purity of “pineapple” like the words of Buddha.
大菠蘿計畫(Great Pineapples Plan)《行草》,延續此計畫的系列作品,以屏東家鄉熱帶果王—鳳梨,為描繪主題,融入行草筆墨意象,有別於先前微觀細繪作品,重在寫意張力中傳遞渲染寫實,建構裝飾美學之佈局,展現物象神韻與非典型之美,闡釋「菠蘿」如佛偈語般之聖潔。
Great Pineapples Plan – Running-Cursive Script
大菠蘿計畫—行草 I
2021 | Watercolor, Pastel 水彩、粉彩 |105 x 30 cm*2 pieces
Great Pineapples Plan – Running-Cursive Script II
大菠蘿計畫—行草 II
2021 | Watercolor, Pastel 水彩、粉彩|105 x 30 cm*2 pieces
Great Pineapples Plan – Running-Cursive Script III
大菠蘿計畫—行草 III
2021 | Watercolor, Pastel 水彩、粉彩| 105 x 30 cm*2 pieces