Laurin McCracken

Laurin McCracken

Laurin McCracken AWS NWS

Laurin McCracken is a realist watercolorist who has put the skills learned over the years as an architect in drawing, photographing and observing to use as a watercolorist. He holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Architecture from Rice University and a Masters in Architecture and Urban Planning from Princeton University.

McCracken is an award-winning artist whose paintings have been exhibited in juried shows coast to coast including the Philadelphia Watercolor Society, Niagara Frontier Watercolor Society, Pittsburgh Watercolor Society and the Adirondacks National Exhibition of American Watercolors, California Watercolor Society, Watercolor West, Southern Watercolor Society and the American Watercolor Society.

He is a signature member of more than a dozen watercolor societies. He is the President of the Watercolor Honor Society.

勞林.麥魁肯 美國水彩畫協會、美國全國水彩畫協會會員

Laurin McCracken,  Jars on Quilt 被褥上的罐子

Jars on Quilt 被褥上的罐子

Watercolor 水彩|71 x 50cm|2018

A still life of clear and colored glass on an antique, hand-sewn quilt. Painted in the Dutch style of the 17th vcnetury.


Laurin McCracken,  Peeling Paint and Rusty Locks 漆斑駁 鎖生鏽

Peeling Paint and Rusty Locks 漆斑駁 鎖生鏽

Watercolor 水彩|71.12 x 48.26cm|2019

This is one of series of paintings that explores texture in watercolor realism. The goal is to share with the viewer how I see the texture of peeled paint and the rust on locks and hinges in a high level of detail.


Laurin McCracken,  Still Life with Clouds 雲彩靜物畫

Still Life with Clouds 雲彩靜物畫

Watercolor 水彩|50 x 60.96cm|2017

A still life in the style of the Dutch and Flemish painters of the 16th and 17th Century. The storm outside the window is a reference to the religious paintings that some painters would put in their still life paintings.
