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CHYI Tsung Han 綦宗涵   (Taiwan)

9 CHYI Tsung Han 綦宗涵

“The Possibility of Watercolor” Taoyuan Watercolor Exhibition, Department of Cultural Affairs, Taoyuan City Government

Taiwan-Australia-Italy International Watercolor Exhibition, The-Chun Art Gallery, NTNU

ART TAICHUNG 2023, The Lin Hotel, Taichung

STAART Illustration Art Fair, TAi Urban Resort, Kaohsiung

“Deposit” Solo Exhibition, VVIP LOUNGE, FEDS Hsinchu Store

「水彩的可能」桃園水彩藝術展 桃園市政府文化局

臺澳義國際水彩交流展 臺北師範大學德群藝廊

2023臺中藝術博覽會 臺中林酒店

STAART亞洲插畫藝術博覽會 高雄承億酒店

「塵澱」個展 新竹大遠百VVIP貴賓室


Urban Stroll-Nighthawk 步登之城系列─夜尋

2023 | Watercolor 水彩 |76 × 76 cm

Various textures of living traces in apartment buildings become a miscellany of elements visually. They are creatively converted into abstract symbols for reassembly and construction. Through a delicate observation and subjective ideation, they are presented graphically. In color blocks and hues, the elements are composed into new spatial aesthetics and arranged into the urban landscapes of Taiwan.



Urban Stroll-Reflection 步登之城系列─映影

2023 | Watercolor 水彩|76 × 76 cm

Various textures of living traces in apartment buildings become a miscellany of elements visually. They are creatively converted into abstract symbols for reassembly and construction. Through a delicate observation and subjective ideation, they are presented graphically. In color blocks and hues, the elements are composed into new spatial aesthetics and arranged into the urban landscapes of Taiwan.



Urban Stroll-Confession 步登之城系列─自白

2023 | Watercolor 水彩|76 × 52 cm

Various textures of living traces in apartment buildings become a miscellany of elements visually. They are creatively converted into abstract symbols for reassembly and construction. Through a delicate observation and subjective ideation, they are presented graphically. In color blocks and hues, the elements are composed into new spatial aesthetics and arranged into the urban landscapes of Taiwan.



Emotional Landscape 寄情於景

2023 | Watercolor 水彩|38 × 77 cm

City is a playful childhood memory for the artist. Hence, the artist prefers to use leisure status to present amusement over the painting. For instance, he utilizes formal transformation to give rise to funs and imageries in the space, so as to denote the confrontation and reconciliation between “figurative” and “abstractive,” fusing and constructing “authenticity” and “imagination.
