Shou-Hsiang Liu | 劉壽祥
Born in Wuhan, Hubei, in 1958, Shou-Hsiang Liu graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts in 1981 and taught in the same school ever since. Liu is a professor of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, the Director and Dean of the Watercolor Department of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, the Deputy Director of Watercolor Art Committee of China Artists Association, and Director of Watercolor Art Committee of Hubei Artists Association.
1958 年生,湖北武漢人,1981 年畢業於湖北藝術學院美術系,並留校任敎。湖北美術學院敎授,曾任湖北美術學院水彩畫系主任、院長、中國美術家協會水彩畫藝委會副主任,湖北美術家協會水彩畫藝委會主任。

鮮果 Fresh Fruits
透明水彩 Transparent watercolor|73 x 83 cm|2006
The emphasis lies in the stark contrasts between the red and black of the cloth, the yellow and red of fruits, and freshness versus decay. In terms of composition, the steady apples and the unsteady banana make another contrast as well. An archaic ceramic in mixed colors is inserted between the yellow banana and red apples to bestow a sense of stability in colors amidst the contrasts.

古城陽光 Sunshine in the Old Town
透明水彩 Transparent watercolor|90 x 65 cm|2008
The sunshine descends and plays a story of the past on the mottled walls of a European old town.

小巷春雨 Spring Rain Falls in the Alley
透明水彩 Transparent watercolor|89 x 68 cm|1994
It is a small, old town in Huizhou. A story of a micro utopia that follows the rhythm of nature is told with a farmer and a farm cattle.