Eugen Chisnicean
(Republic of Moldova)
Eugen was born in 1984 in a small town in the north of the Republic of Moldova.
His early interest in art was influenced by his father who was engaged in painting and photography. At the age of 11, Eugen entered the Children’s School of Fine Arts. During that time, he successfully participated in numerous national and international art competitions. In 2000 he moved to
Chisinau to enter the Institute of Arts where he studied interior design and
In 2007 he began to study creativity of watercolor painters and developed a
more serious relationship to watercolor painting. In 2010 Eugen was invited as
a guest of honor to the 4th Salon de l’Aquarelle du Haillan in France. In 2012
he graduated from the Academy of Arts in Chisinau, majoring in painting. Eugen
currently spends time painting and teaching all over the world.
1984 年生於摩爾多瓦共和國的北部小鎭。他的藝術啟蒙自浸淫於繪畫與攝影的父親。11 歲時,尤金就學於孩童美術學院,當時的他便已參與多項全國性及國際性藝術競賽。2000 年時搬至基希訥烏,進入藝術學院就讀,研習室內設計與建築。2007 年開始研究水彩畫家的創意巧思,也開始與水彩繪畫有更深的連結;2010 年尤金以貴賓身分受邀至法國的海詠水彩沙龍(Salon de l’Aquarelle duHaillan);2012 年自基希訥烏的藝術學院取得繪畫學位;目前則是在世界各地進行繪畫創作與授課敎學。
French Village 法國鄉村
Watercolor on paper 水彩、紙|55 x 75cm|2018
French village one of the mains sources of inspiration for me. Very well preserved through centuries they attract me with its colors and textures. In this painting I tried to emphasize visual movement of the roofs leading us to point of interest.
Spanish Village 西班牙鄉村
Watercolor on paper 水彩、紙|55 x 75cm|2018
One of the greatest features of this place is a great integration into landscape.
I have used strong contrast in order to emphasize the silhouette of the village.
In the same time different colors of the houses I tried to keep soft for maintaining village integrity.
Water Village 水鄉
Watercolor on paper 水彩、紙|55 x 75cm|2018
This place attracted me with its strong skyline and hundreds nuances of grey colors. Challenge was to keep integrity of the village but not to leave it flat. Soft contrast and variety of tones helped me to achieve that.