Chin-Lung Huang | 黃進龍
Australian Watercolour Institute 榮譽會員
American Watercolor Society國際評審 2012
2009 「Eastern Wind」創作個展(Jung Gallery/首爾)
2016 「捨.得.東.西」黃進龍個展(Hwang Gallery Inc./ 紐約)
2017 「書寫.逸趣」創作個展(大墩藝廊/臺中)
2019 「知櫻–黃進龍創作個展」 (Besharat Museum Gallery/亞特蘭大,喬治亞州)
Curriculum Vitae
Distinguished Professor, College of Art, National Taiwan Normal University
President, Taiwan Watercolor Association
President of Chinese-Asia-Pacific Watercolor Association
Honor President, Taiwan International Watercolor Society
Honor Member, Australian Watercolour Institute
International Jury of American Watercolor Society 2012
Solo Exhibitions
2009 “Eastern Wind: Chin-Lung Huang Solo Exhibition” Jung Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
2016 “Abandon / Gain: East – West Artistic Encounter” Chin-Lung Huang Solo Exhibition, Hwang Gallery Inc., New York City, NY
2017 “Calligraphic Writing with Playful Serendipity: Chin-Lung Huang Solo Exhibition” (Taichung City Dadun Cultural Center, Taichung City)
2019 “The Languages of Cherry Blossom” Chin-Lung Huang’s Solo Exhibition (Besharat Museum Gallery, Atlanta, GA)
黑色的夢幻 Black Beauty
水彩 Watercolor|76 x56cm| 2005
Charcoal and black pigment of watercolor were employed to give off the sense of Chinese ink painting, blending the human body and manifesting the black charm.
遨翔 Want to Fly
水彩 Watercolor|76 x56cm|2019
Following the model’s body that leaned forward, the dashing strokes in the background manifests the longing of a young lady toward her bright future.
風情月意 Fascinating
水彩 Watercolor|102.5×72.5cm|2019
The captivating eyes of a woman tell much of her mind. Sitting upright, the lady seems wordless in speaking yet abundant in emotions.