Tanya BAILY | 坦雅.貝里
2019 Winner National Watercolour Prize “FLOW”, Wollongong Art Gallery, Australia
2019 Exhibitions at Airspace Projects, Sydney+ St Cloche Gallery, Sydney
2017 Finalist Elaine Birmingham National Watercolour Prize, Australia
2010 Winner Rex Irwin Prize, Sydney
2010 completed Master of Fine Art at COFA, UNSW, Sydney
2019 國家水彩獎「FLOW」得主 澳洲臥龍崗城市畫廊
2019 Airspace計畫展 雪梨聖克勞什美術館
2017 伊萊恩伯明翰國家水彩獎入圍 澳洲
2010 雷克斯歐文獎(Rex Irwin Prize)得主 雪梨
2010 新南威爾斯大學美術學院藝術創作碩士
Alive 鮮活
2020 | Watercolor on Paper 水彩、紙 |76 x 56 cm
In the Forest 林間
2020 | Watercolor on Paper 水彩、紙|76 x 56 cm
Afternoon Shadows 午後陰影
2020 | Watercolor on Paper 水彩、紙|56 x 76 cm
These paintings were started plein air in woodlands near where I live in Sydney, and finished in the studio.