Antonio Masi
Antonio Masi is President of the American
Watercolor Society and has had feature articles in The Artist’s Magazine, PBS –
“Sunday Arts”, NBC-TV “Weekend Today in New York”. Newsday
feature in Aug. 2008, “Bridgemaster”, and in June 2009 a solo
exhibition for The New York Centennial Commission of the Queensboro Bridge, and
in 2010 a solo show at The Forbes Gallery in New York City, ant The New York
City Transit Museum in 2012, also at The Salmagundi Club of New York and The
New York Times video, Sept. 2014 titled, “Living City: A Tale of Two
He prefers watercolor even thought it is a thin medium, it organically allows
expression of the most delicate subjects. But he discovered that watercolor can
also be used in a thick manner, and it therefore can express the heaviest
subjects imaginable.
安東尼奧.瑪西為現任美國水彩畫會之理事長,同時也曾登上美國公共電視網之藝術家雜誌「週日藝術」、美國 NBC 電視台「今日紐約週末」之專題報導;2008 年 8月登上美國《新聞日報》「橋樑大師」專欄報導,2009 年 6 月為紐約昆斯博羅橋百年紀念擧辦個展,2010 年於紐約市的富比士藝廊擧辦個展,也曾在 2012 年於紐約交通博物館及紐約薩馬岡帝俱樂部擧辦展覽。另也在 2014 年登上紐約時報影片「生動城市:雙橋記」。

Work is Done 大功告成
Watercolor 水彩|76.2 x 55.88cm|2017
This graffiti artist just finished his work and was walking away when I spotted him. I noticed he had a very satisfied walk about his accomplishment.

Golden Gate Bridge 金門大橋
Watercolor 水彩|76.2 x 55.88cm|2016
In this painting of the Golden Gate Bridge I attempted to capture the feeling and what was happening as I crossed the bridge. This Red Bridge, being swallowed up by the approaching mist.

N.Y. Tramway III 紐約三號空中纜車
Watercolor 水彩|76.2 x 52.88cm|2019
N.Y. Tramway III, I attempted to show the bulkiness and oldness of this 110 year bridge and at the same time, indicate the elegance is the Gilded Age, when it was constructed.